For more than eighteen years now, I have had the honor of helping others as they sort through the various chapters of their lives. I consider it a true gift to listen and to come along side of them in this process. My own journey of healing has helped me to see the importance of doing the deeper work. From experiencing sudden and tragic loss, navigating grief, trauma and a dark night of the soul, my faith deepened and the lens in which I viewed life shifted to one of redemption and grace. It was in this process, the healing process, that I began to truly understand the words of the Great Counselor, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
About Jodi:
Jodi Dunphy is a Licensed Professional Counselor by the state of South Carolina. Jodi attended Liberty University for her undergraduate degree and The Citadel - College of Graduate and Professional Studies for her Masters of Art in Psychology - Clinical Counseling. She has a history of clinical experience working with children, adolescents and adults who have been exposed to trauma, abuse and/or neglect.
Jodi has spent the past decade studying the field of attachment and trauma. She is fully certified in EMDR therapy and has extensive training in ego state work, attachment, and complex trauma.
Today Jodi works in the private practice setting and focuses her practice on healing from attachment wounds and trauma. The majority of her counseling work is done through counseling intensives which give her the opportunity to focus a large amount of time on one individual person at a time.
When not in the counseling office, Jodi enjoys time spent with her family exploring outdoors, going to the beach, and reading a classic novel with a good cup of coffee.
• March Wellness Webinar: Body, Soul and Spirit - Living from the inside out. March 2021. Oceanside Solutions
•Sheltered in Love: Finding Refuge in God the Father. October 2017. Trinity Church Women’s Ministry
• PTSD - Signs, Symptoms and How to Help. October 2017. Pawleys Island Rotary Club.
• Domestic Violence: Getting to the Heart. February 2014. Healthcare Professionals Continuing
Education Workshop. Trident Hospital.
• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, An Integrative Approach. Fall 2013. Christian Mental Health
Network, Riverbluff Church.
• Basic Counseling Techniques. Winter 2011. Charleston Southern University Psychology Club
• Identity: Who Am I. Spring 2011. Coastal Christian School Upper and Lower Grades.
• Communication: The Heart of the Matter. September 2011. Grace Weekday School.
Professional Development Seminar (4 hours)
• Communication: The Heart of the Matter. April 2010. Lighthouse Christian Learning Center.
Professional Development Seminar (4 hours).
• Post-Partum Depression: Signs, Symptoms and Help. January 2010. North Charleston
Mother’s of Pre-schoolers.
• ADHD and Classroom Interventions. September 2009. Palmetto Christian Academy
Professional Development Seminar.
• He’s Just Not that In To You – How do date and not lose yourself. September 2009. The Center for Women Professional Series, Charleston, SC.
• Developing a Healthy Child. August 2009. Grace Weekday School Professional Development Seminar (4 hour workshop).
Working with Traumatic Stress in Children. April 2009. Trident United Way Links to Success Board Members.
• Developing a Healthy Child. March 2009. Lighthouse Learning Center Professional Development Seminar (4 hour workshop).
• Working with Traumatic Stress in Children. March 2009. North Charleston Elementary School Professional Development Training.
• Effective Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Interventions. March 2009. Charleston Mental Health Center Team 2.
• Partnering Together. March 2009. Lowcountry Orphan Relief and Charleston County Schools. Event to provide awareness to school nurses, guidance counselors, and other school officials of the impact of childhood abuse, neglect, and abandonment and resources to help the children.
• The Freedom Series. August 2008. Lighthouse Church (2 day event).
• Group Therapy and Psychosocial Rehabilitative Services (co-facilitator), May 2007.
"It is God to whom and with whom we travel, and while He is the end of our journey, He is also at every stopping place." Elisabeth Elliot